Monday, December 03, 2012

Let's check my fashion sketch

Well, I'm not good at drawing. My friends know it (hahaha...)
But sometimes I just can't help myself not to draw *blushing

Aaaanndd,, my best friend hired me several days ago to make a sketch for Apoteker's event next year. She asked me to make fashion sketch for their costume in that event and here we go.

I know,, I know.. It sucks, yes? But let me confess to you guys, my drawing skill has been improved lately (thanks God for the best technology that called the "internet"). I was not able to draw this good so I watched a great video about "how to make fashion sketch" and I tried to draw this.

Okay,, let me explain that picture.
Their theme's event will be international and they decided to wear such a victorian blouse with Apoteker white coat and long black skirt (for women) and simple blouse with same color and also Apoteker suit (for men). But I tried to make new beautiful knee-long-black skirt with orange and yellow details on its waist and also a little rempel on its bottom. It will be a beautiful skirt.

So this is it, my fashion sketch :)

ps: I'm so glad to draw again :p


posted by Daniella Prima Mustika @ 21:24  


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